Original paintings, commissions and prints. From Ireland and Czech Bohemia
"Artists who capture the beauty of nature appeal to those who appreciate our world" Ezram
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The Mysteries of LEO
Congratulations for being curious enough to have reached this page. Here you can find out about some of the ideas and mysteries within the pages of LEO. I will routinely add more information here so please do revisit again.
The box at the bottom of the page is where you can enter the solution to the grand puzzle within LEO. Go on! Have a try. Be curious.
A poem links every story,
About an Old Man and his buk.
4 a painting and 4 glory,
Further 1 must look.
1 hides the 3 within a wood,
Through a window U C C,
There's order and disorder,
2 B or not 2 B.
Leonardo's notebooks are fascinating. He wrote in reverse, such that it can be read in a mirror. I have read that he invented this style, and I have read that it was common for people who wrote with their left hands, at the time, so that they would not smudge the fresh ink. I imagine it is the latter. Try it sometime!
I love this fish puzzle. So simple when you know how.
A fish with one eye. This type of puzzle is somehow annoying. And this makes it great! My own name has two eyes, which is strange, as my surname actually means 'descendent of the one eyed person'.
The flounder has fascinated biologists, from Darwin to Dawkins.
The puzzle about the fish changing colour amazed me when I first read it. Evolution is real, even if this is still uncomfortable for some faiths. Darwin was a giant among scientists, but our schools glanced over him.
I drafted this sketch as I sat by the pond, and thought about evolution. I just want to encourage children to think and to ask questions. This was not my experience in school. Learning is not thinking!
When I see the lunak I am filled with joy.
Most people might occasionally notice that there is a bird in the sky. Curious people will wonder, what type of bird is it? Very curious people will ask, where did it come from?
While writing this book, the boy and the girl developed very distinct personalities. Subconsciously they were influenced by many children that I know, including myself, perhaps. This story is about curiosity.
There is an image from one of my paintings, where I am looking over Prague at dawn. Do you ever observe people who are just sitting, and thinking? If you see a child doing nothing, then please leave the child alone. Children who need to stare at a screen all the time, are not thinking. Thinking, daydreaming, and resting, are all normal and healthy pastimes.
The dog puzzle is also somewhat annoying. So, I like it.
Exactly 300 years separates Leonardo from Benjamin. Curious people.
The girl is introduced. I know some children who are confident and positive like her. My own two boys have quite different personalities, but, they have always been the very bet of friends. Always. I am so grateful for this. Their bond remains incredibly strong, and this is thanks to both of them.
The four secrets, were indeed secrets to me. I had to discover them. Don't work harder. Work better.
Two young people are playing a game of chess. How are they? Maybe some old sailors could tell you.
The message in this story will probably seem simple. But I worked for many years, not just as an engineer, but as a manager. I taught agencies, in many countries, how to mange their programmes. But the most important message, started with how to manage their own time. My schools and colleges never taught this.
While writing this story, I was very aware, that my own time management is now pathetic. A damaged mind. It once was good. So I am not preaching, but hopefully helping.
To be continued ...........